Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do I look like a cat to you?

I was having a conversation with my sister in law, when we somehow steered the topic about me getting pregnant. She said she could not do it again and wondered if I planned to do the IVF. I said sure, if I had the money, anything was possible. She then said something totally unexpected, even for her.

“If you have triplets or quadruplets, can you give me one?”

Hmm, should I dignify that with a response?

My dear Hani, I hope to deliver my baby or babies (here's hoping for twins, boy and girl!) in SMC, not in a box or under the stairs...


  1. heheheheheh

    boys and girls la

    so i can get one heheheheh pleaseeeeeeeee

    love u muah muah :D

  2. if ******* does happen kan

    p/s: good imagination eh?

  3. Yeah, you have a vivid imagination, should write a book my dear :)
