Tuesday, February 17, 2009

7 Pounds

Yesterday, Fatin, hubby and I watched 7 Pounds, courtesy of my editor friend, who normally has complimentary tickets to give away. Starring Will Smith, the movie kicked off to a slow start, which I think made my tired hubby 'snoozed' for a while.

I had no idea where the movie was headed but thought it strange an IRS officer would go through such lengths to audit. Suffice it to say that the movie picked up its pace and I didn't feel it went as long as two hours. Not wanting to spoil the movie for those who have yet to see it, all I can say is it's one of Will Smith's best efforts. Can't compare it to "In Pursuit of Happyness" coz I haven't seen that yet. Moral of the story, don't look at your text messages while driving...

1 comment:

  1. Will Smith? hotzzzzzzzzzzzzzz heheheheh that is no doubt dahling!
