Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happiness is...

...when someone welcomes you home from a long day at work...

...when you find money in the pocket of a jacket you've not worn for quite some time...

...when your favourite chocolate (Cadbury Flakes) is now available in a grocery in PJ...

...when you work for a nice (and cute) boss...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Still Missing You...

Last Saturday, 24 Oct 09, was the anniversary of Nala's passing. Did I forget? No. I just didn't realise Saturday was 24 Oct.

Maybe some might think that having Kyle now, I've forgotten about Nala. How could a mother forget her own daughter. One that loves her mum without any condition, one that always sides with mum, one that licks away mum's tears...

Nala - it has been 5 Hari Raya's without you yet I still feel the pain of losing you like it happened yesterday. I hope it is better where you are now and I pray one day we could be together again...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Excuse me, that's none of your bloody business!

I'm in a rather foul mood today coz a colleague of mine asked me a totally inappropriate question. And when I subtly told her it's personal hence I didn't want to talk about it, she persisted and angled the question another way! Hellooooo! Which part of it's personal didn't you understand???

Although I was trained in Mass Communications, majoring in Public Relations, questioning people (for my articles, not on personal questions) has never been my strongest suit. Simply because I'm not a busy body. I don't have to know what's going on in other people's lives. If they choose to tell me, fine and good. But I will never EVER cross the line and ask something so bloody personal that would drive them to blog about it!