Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wake Up Call

Had lunch with the guys today and one of 'em brought along his friend who was in a coma & suffered a stroke. He's ok now but walks with a limp and does not have many friends due to his low self esteem. He used to work in Corporate Banking but now is under Admin. Asked my friend if he was married and my friend said no.

I immediately stopped feeling sorry for myself and counted my blessings. Yes, finances may be a bit tight now but at least I'm healthy. Hubby may not have a job but he loves me (in his own weird way) and helps me around the house.

So help me God if I start being whinny again...

1 comment:

  1. whinny is ok - the bitchy har.. tu la yg you must takut... the glare & the fangs... fulamak!! run fast fast.. hide good good.. :p
